- A new trait might grant individual(s) a competitive advantage for survival and/or reproduction in an environment (an adaptation), or a competitive disadvantage, or neither.
- Advantageous traits tend to accumulate in populations over many generations yielding a population progressively better adapted to survive and reproduce in that environment over time.
Underlying Pages
0. Student Directions -
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1. How Do Species Emerge? -
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2. Introduction to Galapagos Finches -
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3. Intro to CODAP -
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4. What Causes Change in Finches? -
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5. More Finch Data -
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6. How Can Speciation Occur? -
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Next Generation Science Standards
- Life Science
- NGSS Crosscutting Concept
- NGSS Practice
Computational Thinking in STEM
- Data Practices
- Modeling and Simulation Practices
- Computational Problem Solving Practices
- Systems Thinking Practices
CODAP is developed and built by The Concord Consortium at https://codap.concord.org/
This lesson is based on the lesson Evolution in Action: The Galápagos Finches Authored by Paul Strode for Howard Hughes Medical Institute based on data collected by Peter and Rosemary Grant, Princeton University.
It uses an HHMI video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcM23M-CCog